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Facilitator Training & Certification


BELIGHT MEDITATION® opens the natural, innate pathways and channels in your body so that you can be fully in the flow of your life and feel connected to Infinite Source and your Whole Self.

BELIGHT MEDITATION® consists of a series of powerful meditations that unite your human and divine energies into ONE, giving you the ability to create change in every area of your life and in the lives of the individuals that you serve.

Additional details on BELIGHT MEDITATION® can be found in the Spirit Gateways® Signature Course on BELIGHT MEDITATION®.

The accompanying video is an introduction to BELIGHT MEDITATION® produced for the Spirit Gateways® Evolutionary Empowerment program. It provides a solid foundation to understand what BELIGHT MEDITATION® is and the value you and your clients can receive.

Experience Profound Healing In Your Body While Transforming The Relationship Between Your Heart, Mind & Soul To Help Others Transform Their Life


BELIGHT MEDITATION® helps you to feel deeply connected, clear, and free BEing You.

BELIGHT MEDITATION® integrates you energetically, etherically, spiritually, and emotionally with the power of infinite love on all levels of your BEing.

The channels of pain and suffering that have inhibited full realization and expression of your True Self, vitality, health, and ONEness are cleared helping to remember and embody BEing You.

The energetic, light, physical, and spiritual realms are awakened, integrated and embodied through practicing BELIGHT MEDITATION® providing a profound experience of BodyMind, Heart, and Soul ONEness.

You experience greater ease living in union with your soul path.

  • Experience freedom and healing in your body.

  • Simultaneously awaken, activate, heal, and embody your Bodymind and soul.

  • Feel connected to your True Self as you clear and align your full spiritual power.

  • Clear, align, and BE in your body while stepping into your spiritual and energetic powers.

  • BE filled with the blessings of BEing ONE with your core empowering cellular DNA energies of light.

  • Increase the clear and focused power of your brain, nervous system, endocrine and circulatory systems.

  • Step into a new matrix as you integrate your spiritual power, creative potential, and higher cellular intelligence.

  • Reconnect into Infinite Source directly and immerse in the whole BEing and expression of who you truly are.

  • Experience a direct and powerful connection with Infinite Source enabling you to release old stories that your mind holds on to perpetuating anxiety, control, separation, and fear.

True Freedom Is Discovered When You Feel ONE With God, The Universe & With Your Own Wellspring
Of Power & Love In Your Body.

What Is BELIGHT MEDITATION® Facilitator Training?

The Spirit Gateways® BELIGHT MEDITATION® Facilitator Training is a 3-month online immersion experience that is offered 2 times/year.

The Facilitator training teaches you everything that you need to deepen your understanding of the BELIGHT MEDITATION® process, your own personal experience, and how to facilitate the format through a clear and concise 10-step online video training, 3 live online classes/mini-workshops, and 2 live onlne Q&A’s each month.

The BELIGHT MEDITATION® Facilitator training empowers you to:

  • Align with the light.

  • Experience ONEness.

  • Fine-tune your focus and  energy connection.

  • Heal emotional, physical, and psychological issues.

  • Understand the powerful dynamics of body-mind-soul integration.

  • Powerfully reconnect with your Power Point Centers (an expanded multi-dimensional system based upon the chakras).

As a participant in the 3-month Facilitator Training, you receive:

  • Online video training.

  • 2 live online Q&A’s each month.

  • 2 peer-engaged teaching sessions.

  • 3 live online classes/mini-workshops.

  • Facilitator Certificate Upon completion of training and practicum with Iana.

What Does BELIGHT MEDITATION® Facilitator Training Give You?

The BELIGHT MEDITATION® Facilitator Training teaches how to think, feel, and BE ONE with the Infinite Source within you through unifying the pure light within you, your inner bodies and energetic matrix, and the connection with your soul.

You step through your inner gateways to directly experience the physics of love in your body so that you can live your life as a conduit for transformation.

You learn how to reconnect, clear, and integrate your spiritual-physical and energetic bodies from the pure light of your soul and enter a new paradigm of greater joy, freedom, and interconnectedness from a whole perspective.

Your creativity, inspiration, love and true power, business and communication skills find expression and manifestation from BEing directly connected to your original and True Self.

Why BEcome A BELIGHT MEDITATION® Facilitator?

As a BELIGHT MEDITATION® Facilitator you will learn how to guide others to unify their BodyMind-Soul and Spirit to work as ONE.

You will develop the ability to access a 360-degree perspective in every moment. Instead of processing a situation or challenge from a partial perspective you experience thinking and perceiving from a cohesive personal and universal point of ONEness simultaneously.

This ability assists your own work to expand and is far-reaching into your life endeavors and impact in all areas of your life.

As a BELIGHT MEDITATION® Facilitator, you can have significant impact on the lives of others, your clients, patients, students, friends, community, and with other individual and group facilitation experiences.

The training will teach you how to be grounded in your Whole Self and feel expanded in your body so that you can BE all that you are meant to BE. You will feel in tune with a life force momentum that relieves built-up stress and clears the pain and suffering that inhibit full presence, health, happiness, and clarity.

As a certified facilitator of Spirit Gateways® BELIGHT MEDITATION® you will see immediate and profound shifts with the individuals and groups that you work with. As you facilitate others, you too will grow and develop a new relationship with the source of light and power within you.

True Freedom Is Discovered When You Feel ONE With God, The Universe & With Your Own Wellspring
Of Power & Love In Your Body.

What Are The Spirit Gateways® Power Point Centers?

The Spirit Gateways® Power Point Centers are light points in the body that are either active or dormant.

The Power Point Centers are portals into your universal Self and exist in everyone. When connected they form a matrix of energy that create health, vision, spiritual stability, higher values and give you entry into BEing whole and into the spiritual realm of ONEness.

To fulfill your life purpose and answer your higher questions about your existence, reconnecting your Power Point Centers are an important first step. 

There are many Power Point Centers, but we are focusing on the most important ones that work with healing and mending your Bodymind and soul connection first.

The accompanying video is an introduction to the Spirit Gateways® Power Point Centers produced for the Spirit Gateways® Evolutionary Empowerment™ program. It provides a basic foundation to understand what the Power Point Centers and the benefits you and your clients can receive.

Activate Direct Connection With Your Infinite Source Through These New Yet Ancient Practices For 21st Century Global Awakening & Evolution.

BELIGHT MEDITATION® Facilitator Training is open to all professionals, as well as lay people who have an interest and desire to help other people use a proactive meditation technique to access Infinite Source and move into a state of ONEness and live in their True Self.


Who can participate in BELIGHT MEDITATION® Facilitator Training?

Professionals therapists, counselors, body-workers, social workers, coaches, religious leaders, advisors, and consultants, whether personal, business, or non-profit, can gain tremendous value by adding new skills to their professional practice.

Lay people who do not have any form of professional practice yet have a deep desire for their own internal evolution and would like to use the BELIGHT MEDITATION® practice for their family, friends, community, or possibly create a professional practice are encouraged to participate.

Are their any prerequisites to participate in the BELIGHT MEDITATION® Facilitator Training?

No. All that is required is an open heart and mind, willingness to stretch beyond the conventional models of meditation and have a burning desire to expand your own personal evolution and that of others.

Do I need any previous meditation experience to get the most out of the BELIGHT MEDITATION® Facilitator Training?

No, not at all. You only need to have the desire to come back into you and to discover who you are beyond a “thinking” or “compartmentalization” process.

Who can benefit from the BELIGHT MEDITATION® Facilitator Training?

If you seek to experience BEing ONE with the Source of you while evolving your life purpose, discover your greater potential and spiritual connection with the full presence and essence of the universe WITHIN you, and want to bring a powerful healing meditation that goes beyond the mind into your life work, you will gain enormous benefits.

How often a day do I need to practice BELIGHT MEDITATION® in the training to get results?

You can practice a short or extensive BELIGHT MEDITATION® from 30 seconds to 10 minutes once a day to get results. At some point, a natural and spontaneous desire to live in the connection that the meditation provides becomes second nature.

How is BELIGHT MEDITATION® different than other meditation techniques?

BELIGHT MEDITATION® guides you into the light within you from the very first moment of yor practice. Most meditation practices have you chant, quiet the mind, visualize, focus on your breath, focus on a candle, be mindful, control your thoughts, etc. With BELIGHT MEDITATION® you gracefully and gently focus on the light within you often using the Power Point Centers.

Are there more than one BELIGHT MEDITATION® practice?

Yes, there are numerous BELIGHT MEDITATION® practices designed for different purposes from calming your nerves, coming into your center, releasing stress, experiencing emotional stability, clearer thinking, third eye opening, survival to prospering, clearing your energy field, and more.

How do I choose which BELIGHT MEDITATION® to practice?

You will be guided to start with a few “high result” practices and then you can explore one or two that you want to experience. Stay with a practice at least for two weeks every day to receive the greatest results.

What kind of certification is given at the end of the training?

At the end of the training, you are a Certified Facilitator of BELIGHT MEDITATION® that allows you to share BELIGHT MEDITATION® with a group, patient(s), client(s), friend(s), or family member(s). You are not certified as a teacher to teach BELIGHT MEDITATION® to others for them to use the system. You are certified as a facilitator, not a trainer.

After I complete the Facilitator Certification training are there any costs to maintain my certification?

There is no cost to maintain your certification, but you are required to participate in a yearly online or in-person training, so your skills stay authentic to the BELIGHT MEDITATION® system.

When I facilitate BELIGHT MEDITATION® for paying or non-paying clients (i.e., for non-profit work), do I need to explain that BELIGHT MEDITATION was created by Iana Lahi and to give credit to her and to Spirit Gateways® Institute?

Yes, it is requested that when you introduce the work or teach a BELIGHT MEDITATION® practice to a student, client, patient, group, family, friends, spiritual or religious event, etc., that you share the origin of the work and who you trained with.

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