Come Home To You
Are you ready to BE introduced to a radically different approach to living your life BEing fully connected to your amazing heart, radiant soul, and extraordinary bodymind in a whole new way?

Welcome to the zone of ONEness—an inner space where awakened power, love, freedom, clarity, soul remembrance, and human-divine intelligence meet the Infinite Source within you—where everything is possible.
Here you feel ONE.
Here you discover and come to know at last who YOU are.
Here you embrace BEing YOU with confidence and joy.
Here you realize fearless love.
Here you become ONE.
ONE with Your Light.
ONE with Your True Power.
ONE with Your Whole and True Self.
ONE with Infinite Intelligence.

What Does It Mean To BE ONE?
To BE ONE, you have entered the center, the heart, the Source within you and treasure your relationship with its presence.
To BE ONE. BE YOU.® you have ended the fight, the inner battles within you, the battle between two or more “parts” or “aspects” of your Self because they have merged and transformed through love.
You feel a steady connection to the Infinite Source within you like a consistent stream, river, ocean wave, wind of spirit, or flame of light.
You end avoiding and denying.
You seek to seek to see beyond your fears and how you separate from higher wisdom and truth.
You begin to live in love, while continuing to “work with” the parts of you that are still bound by fear and separation.
You “know” when you are tuned because you live in alignment with the power and love of the Infinite Source within you. Each day you create a daily connection with Infinite Source because it never lets you down or leads you astray.
BE ONE. BE YOU.® is an entry point into the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ — designed to move you from despair, hopelessness, anxiety, inner pain and struggle, repression, depression, reluctance, grief, sorrow, fear, lack of self-confidence, suffering, self-doubt, and separation from your True Self into BEing who you truly are, knowing who you are, loving your Self, and showing up in the world BEing who you came here to BE.
The Spirit Gateways® Journey
BE ONE. BE YOU.® is the seed of the Spirit Gateways® journey, the first of three Core Courses of the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™.
BE ONE. BE YOU.® holds the life force power of the seeds of your life that are not quite visible at first but are revealed to you helping you to grow into BEing the roots of your tree through The Foundation Course™ the second Spirit Gateways® Core Course,
The Foundation Course™ sets into motion BEing the trunk of your tree in Evolutionary Empowerment™ the third Spirit Gateways® Core Course.
As you grow into the wisdom and depth of your trunk you grow rings and wings that are given to you in the Spirit Gateways® Signature Courses.
Your expanding branches grow wider in the Spirit Gateways® Deepenings Courses.
And then, the leaves of your tree open in magnificence through the Spirit Gateways® Deepenings Mini Courses.

The BE ONE. BE YOU® Curriculum
BE ONE. BE YOU.® consists of 4 portals that give you powerful and lasting insights, tools, practices, and teachings to help you experience the vibrancy, inner strength, clarity, and aliveness that happens through awakening to who you truly are, and BEing fully expressed in the brilliance and shining love and power of your Whole and True Self while making a difference BEing YOU.
Portal 1 - BEing Here
Who Are You? Why Are You Here?
Coming Out of Thousands of Years of Confusion, Denial, and Fear
Ancestry, Your Story, Karma
The Choice to BE YOU
Portal 2 - Awakening Your Soul
Why You Open or Shut Down To Your Self
Your Body As A Container For Awakening
End ABRing Your Self
The Inner Space to Exist
Portal 3 - Growing Into Your Whole Self
Move Through Pain into Wholeness
Healing Everything
Love Beyond the Box
Mending Your Super Conscious Heart
Portal 4 - Entering ONEness
Ending the Battles Within You
Letting Go of Control
Finding the Freedom Of Your Higher Octave
Gateway to ONEness

How You Benefit
When you complete BE ONE. BE YOU.® you will have taken the first step to anchoring the golden wisdom, secret ingredients of joy, and the life expanding and profound experience of moving out of your old paradigm into the pure power and unstoppable love found within your Self.
Move through fear and make new choices. Love your Self.
See with new eyes to enlighten your life. Go for your Wow moment.
Experience greater ease in your life. Find the pathway to set your Self free.
Discover how your ancestral story is a gateway to your liberation. Open to you.
Begin to end many of the battles within you. Discover the point of clarity within you.
Learn to make important shifts for life-challenging breakthroughs. Go for BEing fearless.
Create a greater connection to who you truly are. Feel through your body the essence of you.
Shift what part of your brain you function from to experience greater fulfillment. Expand into greater freedom.
Begin to heal deep-seated wounds, and cycles of living in unresolved hurt, anger, and pain. Find the way through difficulties to move higher.

What You Will Experience
Found within the union of creation (earth-feminine) and the universe (heaven-masculine) in your Self exists the profound and prolific experience of ONEness. As you progress through BE ONE. BE You.® you will experience.
A new clarity by seeing, feeling, and thinking at the same time.
The physics of ONEness, where infinite intelligence—God and YOU meet and are ONE.​
A cathartic renaissance of restoring your human-divine relationship with the Infinite Source and recalibrating the pure power of your True Self.
Feeling and knowing your Self BEing ONE in full universal intelligence sourced from the universal and unique personal weaving of pure power and love.
Reconstructing your life from moving through and completing cycles of old fear-based and separation stories and choose instead to BE ONE with your True Self so you can live your dreams.
Feeling connected to the Infinite Source inside of you and as you consciously connect into your “ONEness zone” inside of your body, your abilities to discern, access, clarify, perceive, innovate, transform, create, implement, empower, and unify increase.
Living in “super consciousness”, a dynamic merging of your life force energies, integrated Self, higher truth, realized creative energies, and purified sexual energies anchoring fully your body, mind, soul, and heart center in Infinite Source, so you can BE One. BE YOU®.

When You Complete, You BEgin
When you complete BE ONE. BE YOU.® you will have taken the first step to anchoring the golden wisdom, secret ingredients of joy, and the life expanding and profound experience of moving out of your old paradigm into the pure power and unstoppable love found within your Self.
It is time to return to you.
You are here to make a difference.
To make that difference you must recalibrate your Self into living from the Source within you, and step through the barriers within you that are holding you back from living, BEing, and loving BEing all that you came here to BE.
Welcome to BE ONE. BE YOU.® your first step in your journey of the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™.

When You Complete, You BEgin
Start Here, Start Now
There are two ways that you can experience BE ONE. BE YOU.®
You can purchase BE ONE. BE YOU.® by itself, the first of the three Spirit Gateways® Core Courses, for only $7.00.
Yes, that's right, $7.00.
Even though the retail value of BE ONE. BE YOU.® is $297, its true value is priceless.
This is a super inexpensive way to receive an inside experience of Spirit Gateways® and Iana's approach to personal development, spiritual psychology, and awakening ONEness within you.
Or, you can join the Spirit Gateways® Evolutionary Empowerment™ Global Village Membership and have access to the entire Spirit Gateways® video library—all the Core Courses, all the Signature Courses, all the Deepenings Courses, and all the Deepenings Mini-Courses for a low monthly subscription—and take a super deep dive into discovering and illuminating your True Self.

Why should I take BE ONE. BE YOU®.?
When you have an ache inside of you that has been pulling on you, an unexplainable longing, a drive to move out of your present life circumstances, advance spiritually, or you want to figure out what you need to work on to make your family life or relationship better, you will gain an enormous amount from BE ONE. BE YOU®.
What are the benefits to learning how to see with new eyes and let go of what blocks my life?
We all learn to see our selves, others, and the world from the eyes of separation or ONEness. You will BE given how to learn to see with new eyes
What areas of my life can be influenced by my taking BE ONE. BE YOU®.?
You will learn key source codes of information to create powerful and life changing results to integrate your core values and True Self in your mental and emotional well-being, practical spirituality, career, relationships, intimacy, health, wellness, finances, and creativity.
What does it mean to ABR your Self? (Abandon-Betray-Reject)
One of the fastest ways to catapult your awareness, healing, and awakening upwards is to discover and change how you abandon, betray, and reject (ABR) your Self. When you realize how ABRing your Self shifts you off BEing ONE with your Self and your life destiny path, this realization has the power to reconfigure your relationship to you.
Why do I need to do inner work?
We are raised in a global culture to leave who we truly are on a soul level and when we come back to ourselves, we tap the natural well-spring of divine intelligence and wisdom within ourselves. From here everything changes.
Why do you focus on the light?
You have light within you. It is in the center of every cell of your body, including your brain, organs, blood, thoughts, emotions, etc. Beyond dogma, religions, beliefs, exists the light. You will heal, awaken, integrate, and breakthrough everything when you become ONE with the light within you and allow it to dissolve your resistances and fears in its love.

What People Are Saying
“I decided to purchase Iana’s course BE ONE. BE YOU®. because of what it promised. The information and insights given are priceless and began to help me make some important decisions in my life and to open in a whole new way that is indescribable. Iana delivers the real thing.”
Jeffrey C., Programmer, Alexandria, VA
“During a challenging time in my life I was looking for some new input and guidance and took the risk on BE ONE. BE YOU®. I had hit a wall in my life. I haven’t looked back since I took this super great course. It was just the beginning as I went on to take Iana’s other beautiful and powerful courses.”
Susanna A., Business Owner, Calgary, Canada
“Freedom is a sacred word, and I have wondered so many times what it really means and how to live it. If you are curious, check out Iana, she guides you to know it for your Self and to live it without having to change who you are and to become “something else.” You get to really BE YOU, for real. This is more than good stuff.”
Craig T. Designer, Poughkeepsie, New York
“I have read so many spiritual books and yes, I always have gotten something out of them. But Iana’s work stands out amongst them all as glowing light that is attainable because of her dedication to showing us what direction to walk in and turn towards.”
Deborah P., Attorney, San Francisco, CA

Come Home To You