Get Started With Spirit Gateways®
Make The Impact You Were Born To Make
Throughout your Spirit Gateways® journey, you will BE supported and guided to break through into realizing and embodying your True Self.

As you dive into the Spirit Gateways® Institute and the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ for personal and planetary transformation and enlightenment, know that your entire journey has specific destinations and milestones.
To reach these destinations and milestones the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ is a highly flexible process where you determine your own pace and you choose how you apply the courses and the techniques and methodologies in your own life.
Your first steps set the stage for how you will progress and arrive successfully, at your desired end point.
To this goal, we have established some guidelines to help you reach your goals anchored, connected, and integrated.
Spirit Gateways® Free Offerings
Spirit Gateways® free offerings provide an easy and effortless way to get to know Iana and her approach to living life in ONEness.
Join the Spirit Gateways® mailing list and you will have access to member-only courses and be notified when specific events take place and how to gain access.
Living From Your Wild Heart™ is a 52-week 20-minute video course delivered to your inbox every Saturday morning comprised of Original Way™ wisdom teachings, BELIGHT MEDITATION® and LoveToBE the Movement® practices. A 52-week journal/workbook is included so you can track your progress.
BE ONE. BE YOU.® is a weekly podcast by Iana on all topics related the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ and navigating your life from spiritual, energetic, physical, psychological, and healing insights, tools, techniques, and practices. BE ONE. BE YOU.®n can be listened to on Amazon, Apple, Google, Pandora, Spotify, and iHeart Radio podcast platforms.
The BE Forum is a weekly livestream in which Iana explores the topics and themes relevant to these times of powerful change, and how to step through fear and separation into a new paradigm of BEing whole and living in full connection to the Source within you. An open Q&A follows each signature talk.
The Cosmic Reporter leaps through time and space and through the veils of illusion and the old matrix revealing how to enter and stay connected in the now— in your body BEing ONE with the light that you are—in context to our life in today’s world; Presented on the Iana Lahi / Spirit Gateways® YouTube channel.
BELIGHT MEDITATION® Light Collection is a free offering of Iana's BELIGHT MEDITATION® experience. You are guided into your matrix of pure light and taught how to recalibrate your Self through becoming ONE in your Self. These meditations address specific divinely human themes of BEing whole, happy, and integrated through working with the Spirit Gateways® Power Point Centers.
LoveToBE the Movement® Light Collection is a free offering of Iana's unique methodology of conscious movement that awakens your energy system, balances your body and mind, opens your heart, deepens your relationship with the Infinite Source within you, and connects you into your whole Self.
Universal Messages From The Divine Mother Light Collection presents the voice of awakened and integrated divine love, feminine-masculine union, coming through pain and separation thinking into a new paradigm of BEing whole and ONE in your True Self.

You can purchase any of the Core Courses individually or receive them as part of any of the three paid membership tiers in the Spirit Gateways® Evolutionary Empowerment™ Global Village Membership program.
Spirit Gateways® Core Courses
The Spirit Gateways® Core Courses provide the foundation upon which you embark upon your Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™.
BE ONE. BE YOU® is a powerful and uplifting 4-module 75-minute introduction to the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ and provides the key insights and teachings of Spirit Gateways® pertaining to the core questions and significant themes of your life.
The Foundation Course™ is a 7-module 9-hour video training that provides the key principles that are applied throughout all the courses and trainings that are part of the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™.
Evolutionary Empowerment™ is an 18-module 45-hour video training that gives you a powerful deep dive into two life-changing body-mind-soul workouts: The Spirit Gateways® Whole Self Workout™ and the Spirit Gateways® ONEness Workout™ designed to lift your life up from the inside out through guiding your journey home through all aspects of YOU into your True Self. Receive the tools, practices, and teachings to guide you to remember and BE who you truly are and how to create your life to BE everything that you want it to BE.

Evolutionary Empowerment Global Village™ Membership
Evolutionary Empowerment™ Global Village
For those of you ready to take a deep dive, the Spirit Gateways® Evolutionary Empowerment Global Village™ is your path.
The Spirit Gateways® Evolutionary Empowerment™ Global Village is a membership subscription program providing you access to the entire Spirit Gateways® Institute library of video courses, group mentoring, and special events.
The Spirit Gateways® video library is composed of four programs composed of multiple video courses and two group mentoring programs:
Core Courses - Three video courses with increasing depth that provide the foundation for all courses offered through Spirit Gateways® Institute. I
Signature Courses - The essence of Spirit Gateways® in 4 highly focused video courses that take you deep inside yourself to discover and live your True Self. Each course is 10-40 hours plus supplemental materials.
Deepenings Courses - Topic-specific courses of 8-10 hours for a deep dive that add specificity to Signature Courses and help you navigate specific life circumstances, experiences, and traumas. Two courses are presently available and another 25 are in pre-production development.
Deepening Mini-Courses - Topic-specific courses of 90-180 minutes that add specificity to Signature Courses and help you explore specific issues in your life. Eleven courses are presently available and another 20 are in pre-production development.
Group Mentoring - MasterHeart MasterMind™ - Open to all members of the Evolutionary Empowerment™ Global Village at the Tier 2 Membership level.
Group Mentoring - Life Mastery Inner Circle™ - Limited to 24 participants offered at the Tier 3 Membership level.
Group Mentoring - Circle Of Love and Power™ - Limited to 24 participants offered at the Tier 3 Membership level.
The Spirit Gateways® Evolutionary Empowerment Global Village™ membership is composed of FREEmium and 3 paid subscription levels.​ You can subscribe monthly or pay annually in advance and receive 2 months free.​
Breakthrough Your Karmic, Ancestral, Cultural
& Collective Deep Imprint Pain & Become
ONE With Your True Self.
Experience Breakthrough Inner work
& Unify All Of You Into ONE.