Iana Lahi
Evolutionary Empowerment™ Teacher

True Self Liberation Guide, Wayshower Of The Soul, Master Healer,
Light Initiator™, Divine Messenger, Educator, Author, Poet,
Choreographer, Movement Artist
Iana Lahi is a Visionary Spiritual Mentor and international Evolutionary Empowerment™ Teacher who has created and teaches the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ for individual and planetary transformation and enlightenment.
The 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ guides men and women from all walks of life, all professions, all cultures and all religious and spiritual orientations into the full illumination of their True Self through direct connection into Infinite Source.
Find The Bliss Of BEing The Essence Of Who You Are.

As an Evolutionary Empowerment™ teacher, Ms. Lahi guides each person through their deepest fragmentations into the Heart of Oneness™ and illumination. Iana initiates each person into the light and love within their BodyMind by teaching them how to unlock the original love and power within their heart and soul.
As a Spiritual Seer for more than 45 years, Ms. Lahi has guided more than 10,000 men, women, and teens through the eye of the needle of their heart and soul to remember and implement their life blueprint that they came here to live.
As a Wayshower of the Soul, Iana masterfully guides individuals to reconstruct their life to realize and live their highest vision and soul purpose, fulfill the circle of their life, expand, evolve and enlighten their soul journey, and initiate their relationship, career, life work, sexual, creative, financial and business potential into a higher octave through BEing their True Self.
Iana Lahi’s professional training in ballet and modern dance, formally at the Boston Conservatory of Music and California Institute Of The Arts, and with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Jose Limon, Martha Graham, Merce Cunningham, American Ballet Theater, Barbara Cole, Phyllis Lamhut, Ina Hahn, Al Huang, Margaret Jenkins, and Emile Conrad D’oud, supported her pathway of discovering and exploring the universal energies of Infinite Source through the body.
Iana also received extensive training with modern dance master Bella Lewitzsky and legendary prima ballerina Mia Slavenska of the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo who inspired her exploration of physical-spiritual alignment and its expression.
Your Purpose Is Awakened By Living In Alignment In Each Moment To Your Divine Octave
As a Soul Initiator, Iana works directly with Infinite Source to birth the Divine Universal Intelligence found within one’s True Self to assist all people to experience liberation from suffering and pain.
Iana guides men and women to break through into new levels of divine union, freedom, empowered expression, self-realization, and heightened success in business and financial endeavors, creative mastery, entrepreneurial endeavors, leadership, relationship fulfillment, artistic brilliance, parenting, career legacy, enlightened sexuality, health, and personal joy to live a liberated life.
All of Iana's work teaches and illuminates how to live an integrated life rooted in one’s divinely lit truths and strengths. Iana’s passion is to help individuals actualize their True Self so they can serve the planet in their unique way.
Within Your Heart & Soul
You Carry The Divine
Spark Of Creation
Iana’s pioneering model for world healing and peace grew from more than 50 years of her own personal growth work and self-inquiry and spiritual practice, including one-on-one facilitation with clients and groups, her passion for understanding how science and spirit are One in the body.
Iana's gifts as a spiritual wayshower, master healer, clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, and medical intuitive have been integrated as a holistic health practitioner, family, couples, conscious sexuality mentor, addiction counselor, bioenergetic therapist, life coach, and mentor, leadership and business consultant, performance coach, dance and movement artist, choreographer, poet, mystic, and author.
As a soul initiator, bodymind, and soul integration specialist, and teacher of classical kriya and kundalini yoga and meditation, Iana embodies the archetypal forms of celestial architect, divine light shaman, and medicine woman.
Co-Create Your Life From BEing ONE With Infinite Source
The creator and founder of Spirit Gateways® Institute, Ms. Lahi assists women and men from all backgrounds, races, cultures, nationalities, religious, and spiritual orientations how to create an empowered, authentic, and successful life while simultaneously healing soul-level karmic, sanskaric, and ancestral-familial patterns that block full realization of BEing One with Source—while BEing their True Self in action.
Ms. Lahi is the Chief Evolutionary Officer (CEO) and Creative Director of the Spirit Gateways® Institute, Spirit Gateways® Publishing, Spirit Gateways® Leadership, Spirit Gateways® Education, Spirit Gateways® IGNITUM® Professional Training, and the Spirit Gateways® Indomitable Fund.
Iana is the creator and host of the BE ONE. BE YOU.® podcast and the creator and teacher of all of the programs, trainings, courses, and events offered by the Spirit Gateways® Institute.
Iana created The Spirit Gateways® Indomitable Fund to provide scholarships to individuals and humanitarian organizations to receive Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ offerings.
Ms. Lahi received training in more than 20 different healing modalities and all world religions. Mahama Iana has been referred to by many Native American medicine carriers as a Spirit Healer, a Mystic Warrioress of the Heart, Keeper of the Divine Light, Mid-Wife of the Soul, and Visionary Medicine Woman. Iana is also lovingly known as a Dancing Light Master of the Golden Heart.
Iana's work has facilitated thousands of people across the globe in creating a life that supports the full expression of their whole and Divine Self.
Iana is an internationally published author and poet with her books distributed throughout the USA and Canada as well as the European Union and Japan. Iana Lahi's books are available on Amazon.
Iana's work is dedicated to bringing greater peace and love into the hearts of all people and humanity.
Iana attributes her gifts to a commitment and devotion to God and her life work, feeling blessed by the Divine, her inner teachers of 50+ years, and most importantly, above all else, having the grace, guidance and blessings of Avatar Meher Baba in her life.
The Next Step Of Your Spiritual Evolution
Is To See & BE The Light That You Are

"The Beloved of your BEing can only BE found within you,
for its only abode is in the heart.
For millennia, the joy, peace, and power found through
accessing love as the way home into realization of the True Self
has been honored and revered.
Receive the tools to discover BEing One with the illuminating
divine-human tapestry of light, knowledge, power, and clarity that you are and have within you, while inspired and focused to make a difference in the world.
You are here for a purpose, a passion, and a reason.
Access the light within you.
Live your life in alignment with your True Self.
Liberate your heart to BE free of fear, pain, despair, sorrow, and hurt.
BE on track with enlightening every facet of your life
from the freedom of your soul.
Discover the 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™.
Ride the wave of your enlightening.
Experience miraculous breakthroughs, and BE true to You."
Experience The Next Wave Of
Spiritual Evolution For These Times
Expand. Evolve. Enlighten.™