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One-on-One & Group Mentoring With Iana

A Profound Opportunity To Recalibrate Your Life

Mentoring - Intro

My mission is to help you to know and love yourself, experience the fulfillment and completion of your Higher Divine Octave in this lifetime, leave behind the patterns and beliefs that you use to block BEing your True Self, and to trust the unique and divine expression of the creative and spiritual power that is your birthright so that you can manifest your greatest financial, relationship, career, and soul purpose. 


You are given the tools to move you through your challenges that have created stagnation, hurt, pain, the need to be perfect, the need to stay in control, self-criticize, self-judge, and more.


You will transform the “unknown mystery” within you into empowerment, love in action, and heart-inspired mastery in the world.


New strength and pure power will arise within you as you walk through the fire of love and birth the magnificence of your light into your life.

“Beyond What You Think Is Possible.

Inside The Dream A Key,

Ignite The Light Within You.

That Sets You Free To BE.”

One-on-One Mentoring

Experience A Return To Your True Self

Spirit Gateways® One-on-One mentoring is a beautifully crafted three-phase breakthrough transformation LIVE intensive with Iana that initiates, guides, supports, and empowers you to make incredible life healing shifts and profound up-leveling in your life purpose, work in the world, love life, money and abundance fulfillments.

Your work with Iana awakens, nurtures, enlightens, and catapults you through your deepest core issues, wounds, and inner pain points into new levels of self-actualization, clarity, soul alignment, and mental-emotional-physical well-being so that you can make the difference that you came here to make.

Iana mentors men and women who have a yearning to fulfill their soul destiny and BE a torch of light and truth in this world.

Iana assist’s you to put into action your authentic Self and to fulfill your divine blueprint with mastery and grace over a three-phase 9-month mentoring power breakthrough. 

The three phases of our One-on-One Mentoring work together over a total of 9-months guide, and facilitate profound and life-changing spiritual, emotional, material, psychological, energetic, and physical awakening, integration, and a new alignment into the embodied union of love and power.

The three phases are designed as one integrated 9-month program.

You can take Phase 1 Accelerated Awakening as a standalone session.

To embark on Phase 2, The Ultimate Relationship, you must take Phase 1.

To embark upon Phase 3, ONEness Mentoring, you must take Phase 1 and Phase 2.

Phase 1 - Accelerated Awakening

Spirit Gateways® Accelerated Awakening is a one-time highly focused 45-minute life blueprint and roadmap session that will ignite and accelerate your financial, professional, and creative endeavors.

You are empowered to reclaim your Whole Self so that you can realign with your highest dreams, aspirations, and goals. The core issues and patterns holding your life back and the steps needed to breakthrough are given so that you are inspired and empowered to rise up to BE all that you can BE in your life.

Phase 2 - The Ultimate Relationship

Spirit Gateways® The Ultimate Relationship is a 3-month blast off via 3-experiential levels from a life of stress, worry, overwhelm, insecurity, exhaustion, uncertainty, and fear into clear intention, calm confidence, creative overflow, spiritual attunement, nervous system reset, financial recalibration, and relationship, and career breakthrough into embodying and fully activating your purpose and life blueprint.

In The Ultimate Relationship you receive individual training in shifting your old matrix of fear, self-abandonment, betrayal and rejection (ABR) into a new individual paradigm and alignment of BEing ONE with your Whole Self through contacting your light grid and higher consciousness that exists within you.

The Spirit Gateways® Ultimate Relationship consists of 3 levels:

  • Level 1 – Core Insights

  • Level 2 – Four Pillars Integration™

  • Level 3 – Ignite Your Inner Heart™

Phase 3 - ONEness Mentoring

Spirit Gateways® ONEness Mentoring with Iana lovingly guides you through the veils of separation, duality, and illusion blocking the realization of your True Self so that you can fulfill your life calling as an awakened contributor in the world.

Old paradigms of karmic, ancestral, cultural, and genetic programming are cleared, restructured, and recalibrated freeing you to live as ONE with your soul purpose, power, and higher calling.

Experience living your life from ONEness.

Spirit Gateways® ONEness Mentoring consists of 3 core areas of focus:

  • Self-Realization

  • Business Leadership & Mastery

  • Relationship Transformation

A Special Gift For You - ONEness Recalibration

Two months after we complete our 9-month mentoring commitment together you will receive a FREE ONEness Recalibration™ session with Iana that will be a deep dive focus and fine attunement through giving you the support, input, guidance, and tools to help you to move forward in your new personal alignment to successfully stay on track and BE ONE and empowered on your life path.

Experience A Divine Messenger Session

A dedicated 90-minute personalized Spirit Gateways® Divine Messenger session with Iana gives you the information and guidance to see the deeper meaning, purpose, and opportunity to catch the glimpses, gifts, and messages the universe wants you to have. Make each day a day to BE totally focused and on track.


Spirit  Gateways BEYOND MENTORING™ is for women and men who have achieved their professional and personal goals, yet inwardly know there are inner conflicts, unhealed wounds, fears, and blocks preventing them from moving forward to realizing their next bigger and more fulfilling career and personal aspirations, ambitions, and dreams.

BEYOND MENTORING™ is for entrepreneurs, executives, VC’s, creators, entertainment and performance artists, business innovators, thought leaders, philanthropists, humanitarians, and all influencers, movers and shakers on the leading edge who embody vision and power, and:

  • Seek a new way to lead from your True Power.

  • Want to have greater influence and impact in the world.

  • Need your voice and presence to BE from your True Self.

  • Must BE wired at a higher level to make a BIGGER difference.

  • Crave to KNOW who you really are and BE who you really are.

  • Seek greater inner peace, confidence, strength, and self-love.

  • Multitask roles, responsibilities, and values to achieve your ambitions.

  • Recalibrate your life force energies into greater balance for higher outcomes.

  • Know that resolution of deep internal battles can yield extraordinary outer results.

All work is confidential and held in the strictest level of privacy without exception.

BEYOND MENTORING™ is offered in three progressive sequential programs:

  • PHASE I: THE RECALIBRATION—GO BEYOND BREAKTHROUGH - In-person 4-day retreat or two consecutive weekends.

  • PHASE II: THE NEW ALIGNMENTGO BEYOND SEPARATION - Deep dive weekly exploration for 3 themed months.

  • PHASE III: THE TREASUREGO BEYOND EXTRAORDINARY - Super deep dive weekly exploration for 6 months.

Book a free Discovery Call with Iana to see why this might be the most important personal transformation decision you make this year.

Business Oracle and Seer

As a born clairaudient, clairsentient, and clairvoyant with naturally insightful and accurate psychic and intuitive capabilities, Iana provides oracular insight to men and women from all professions and all walks of life.

Iana sees deeply and with great foresight to avert business dangers before they arise, unblock potential setbacks, foresee outcomes, reorganize and rebuild business structures, choose the right business endeavors, the right people, and the right product or the right timing thereby optimizing time, money and resources while avoiding potentially huge personal and financial costs.

Please note that Iana's Business Oracle and Seer professional services are not personal healing mentoring sessions.

Iana is engaged on a on-going retainer basis with a one-month minimum and available to her clients as needed on-demand 24/7. Iana also provides 50-minute Business Oracle Consultation sessions if you have specific questions or concerns that are time-sensitive.

If you are interested in dedicated on-going oracle and intuitive services, please Schedule your 30-minute paid Discovery Call with Iana.

Make Your Shift Into
A New Octave Of Awakened Presence

Group Mentoring

Experience Life Changing Transformation In Community

Receive in-depth mentoring with Iana in a group-community structure that supports you to break through, realize, and integrate your whole Self while learning with others from around the globe.

Group mentroing is an extraordinary opportunity for men and women of all ages, cultures, religious traditions, professions, and stages of personal growth to join the Spirit Gateways® BE Community.

The Spirit Gateways® BE Community understands the challenges and pitfalls of doing deep and profound inner work individually and recognizes the inherent power of community as a safe container to synergistically support and leverage each participant's own personal work.

Each group mentoring participant is actively working on themselves to realize his or her True Self and achieve their goals and aspirations in material time and space.

Each group mentoring experience is a safe space where the confidentiality of each participant is honored and respected. Whatever is discussed in any of the sessions is private and contained within the safety of the group.

Group mentoring with Iana is offered only to Tier 2 and Tier 3 subscribers of the Spirit Gateways® Evolutionary Empowerment Global Village.

Spirit Gateways® MasterHeart MasterMind

MasterHeart MasterMind™ is a weekly live 90-minute online interactive group mentoring experience for all Tier 2 and Tier 3 subscribers focused on core learnings from the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap

Each week Iana talks deeply about one specific topic and opens the room to an interactive Q&A to respond to specific questions from participants that have universal application to the entire group.

Spirit Gateways® Life Mastery Inner Circle

Life Mastery Inner Circle™ is a twice monthly live 90-minute online interactive group mentoring experience for all Tier 3 subscribers limited to 25 participants for more intimate interaction and support.

Focus is on all topics and experiences in the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ and returning to the True Self. The small group allows for a richer and deeper understanding, experience, and support for individual participants.

Spirit Gateways® Circle of Love and Power

The Circle of Love and Power is a once monthly live 90-120 minute online interactive group mentoring experience for all Tier 3 subscribers limited to 25 participants.

The Spirit Gateways® Circle of Love and Power™ is focused more deeply on personal experience and breaking through core wounds that cause separation from the inner essence of your True Self and moving from life in duality to life in ONEness.

Expand.Evolve.Enlighten.™ your life into greater love, pure power, and directed purpose to fulfill your destiny path.

Know Your Self.

Love Your Self.

BE Your Self.


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We will never sell, rent or use you name or email without your pemission.

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