Deepenings Mini-Courses
Open To The Ocean Of Wisdom Within You

The Spirit Gateways® Deepenings Mini-Courses guide you on your transformational journey through many of your most significant everyday themes and topics, that when unlocked help you to realize and mend your most challenging psychological, emotional, and spiritual needs and patterns.
We are at a turning point in our collective and global mindset that is pivotal to help us to discover how we separate from our True Self and help us to awaken how we choose to empower our ego to be the navigator of our lives which continues our individual and collective cycles of pain, suffering, inner battle, sexual, financial, emotional and psychological avoidance, denial, separation, and fear.
All Deepenings Mini-Courses have self-inquiry, writing, and meditation practices that help you dive deeper and experience your True Self amidst ah-ah moments of transformation.
In all Deepenings Mini-Courses, you will discover the door to your True Self and learn how to release your Self from your inner box by ending how you feed your False Self to run your thoughts, actions, behaviors, and patterns.
The Deepenings Mini-Courses are an integral element in the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ and is included in your subscription to the Evolutionary Empowerment™ Global Village membership.

Set Your Self FREE
Experience The Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ When You Join The Evolutionary Empowerment™ Global Village
All of the Spirit Gateways® Deepenings Mini-Courses teach the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ — the proven steps to realizing and BEing ONE with your True Self, so you can realize who YOU truly are and better serve your soul purpose, family, humanity, and our planet.
Each Mini-Course is composed of 90-180+ minutes of online video and support materials that open a doorway and provide unique insights into how to regain your natural birthright of Wholeness.
When you join the Spirit Gateways® Evolutionary Empowerment™ Global Village you have access to all Spirit Gateways® Deepenings Mini-Courses that promise to give you a more holistic 360-degree perspective of living your life free from your deepest disappointments, inner pain, sorrow, suffering, and losses, so you can step through your gateway into the abundant Source within you waiting to BE received.
BEcoming A Channel For The Divine
From Ordinary To Extraordinary Reality
Within you exists a flexible, sturdy, quantum container that resonates at a higher octave.
When you build the foundation to awaken your channel, you grow the ability to listen and communicate its message, truths, insights, and guidance.
Whether through music, writing, painting, acting, singing, dancing, speaking, healing, or being an inspirational teacher, mentor, or leader, the Divine will not only awaken you, but will also ignite those that you are touching in your unique way.
In Becoming A Channel For The Divine you will:
Discover the steps to clearing and opening your divine channel.
Make the inner connections needed to trust how the divine works through you.
Apply BEing an instrument for the divine in every aspect of your life while being free of your own agendas.

Born To BE You
It's Your Birthright To BE Your Greatest Self
You have heard and read that there is no one like you. But, how do you tap into and discover that is who you truly are?
In Born To BE You, you will discover how to stay true to who you are and walk forward each day towards BEing deeply devoted to your happiness, well-being, and destiny path.
In Born To BE You, you will:
Embrace the purpose of your life.
Find the connection point into BEing ONE in your heart and soul.
Move through fear into loving acceptance of who you are.

Fly High. Soar Free..
The Healing Journey Of Understanding Death
Fly High. Soar Free. is a sweet journey into the grief, beauty, love, and power of death. You are taken through the facets of life and death from an awakening perspective of ONEness.
In Fly High. Soar Free. you will learn how to prepare for death and how to transform the jolts, rough spots, turbulent and calm waves of experiencing the death of someone close to your soul and discover how to realize a profound new connection to who you truly are.
In Fly High. Soar Free, you will:
Experience how to access your knowing Self to remove obstacles in your life.
Learn how to trust the voice of your soul and spirit’s push to help you live in the abundance of your whole Self.
Discover the power to see, feel, and hear clearly so you can BE in tune with the life force currents of God awakening and guiding your life.

GOD Energy Your Energy
Trust Your Divine Intelligence
Learn how to tap into your super-conscious state of wholeness and well-being through reuniting your BodyMind energies with your divine presence. Connect into the ONE Infinite Source within you and feel a powerful transformation into God Energy, Your Energy.
In God Energy Your Energy, you will:
Experience God, the ONE Infinite Source within you.
Learn how to tap into your energetic reservoir for greater strength & clarity.
Discover the source of love within you and follow its guidance to achieve your dreams.

Money Honey Power
Finding The Sweetness Of Your Money Mojo
Money Honey Power guides you to the doorway within, where money, your love for your Self, and humanity co-exist.
Through this doorway, you will discover the exquisite realization that money is not separate from you. This realization will help you integrate your passion, power, and purpose to support you to live your life fully in ways that are true to you.
In Money Honey Power, you will:
Access your source of money and open to its supply.
Begin to recognize and clear ancestral money imprints
Experience the integration of your sexual, emotional, and money energies

Navigating Your Life During Tumultuous Times
Following Your North Star
Navigating Your Life During Tumultuous Times is a source guide through the challenges and potential bypasses of these times. Your nervous system and brain can get stressed, you may feel disheartened and disconnected to life and your higher values are challenged as you feel pushed to make choices that affect your life on the deepest levels.
In Navigating Your Life During Tumultuous Times, you will:
Learn to trust the You that has been hidden and afraid to emerge into your life.
Discover how to access deeper stability, trust, and inner strength in the times that you most need it.
​Walk through the lessons given by your soul that are triggering grief, anger, sadness, fear, and pain, and awaken to a new alignment with your mind, heart, and spirit.

Real Power False Power
Opening Through Illusion
Real Power False Power guides you to realize how your personality Self can support or sabotage your purpose and mission from manifesting and block your full potential. Experience BEing guided through the karmic, ancestral, and sanskaric inner battles with your personal power and rediscover your relationship with your True Self.
In Real Power False Power, you will:
Reconnect to the Source of your True Power.
Recognize when you or someone else are not in their True Power.
Step out of false thinking and discover your personal power alignment.

Super Sex Unveiled
Illuminated Lovemaking Revealed
In Super Sex Unveiled you are taught divine love core connections to help you raise your frequency up from the mundane aspects of sex into life-enhancing rejuvenation, bliss, and joyous reunion waiting to be experienced between you and your partner or solo.
In Super Sex Unveiled, you will:
Initiate your natural sexual vitality and essence.
Awaken your super potent and liberating sexual energies.
Activate, embody, and sustain your divine sexual power and light.

The Light That You Are
Illuminate Your Life
Within the nucleus of your BEing dwells a light so bright that it can shift your awareness, open your heart, help you to remember who you are, heal what ails you, and reconnect the fragmentations between your mind, body, psyche and soul. Discover The Light That You Are and walk forward into your life and live the life that you came here to live.
In The Light That You Are, you will:
Discover and connect to the light within you.
Activate your light grid of divine intelligence.
Open the door to the inner teacher and activator of joy within you.

When Your Mother Is Not At Home
& Your Father Is Lost At Sea
Calming The Waves Of Confusion, Anxiety & Neglect
When your mother has a lot on her plate and she does not have the integrated emotional and psychological skills to show up for herself, and for her child or children, no matter how much you love your mother, you will need to heal the gaps and holes within you and deepen your relationship to your True Self. You must choose to mother your Self and learn to listen, see, and receive your deepest needs and tend to them. You must love and raise your Self.
When your father is lost in the sea of his own material and emotional challenges and denials and has difficulties connecting into his own body and rejects your body, heart, and soul because he can barely deal with his own, to heal your father wound you must find the current of light and power within you and follow it home into your awakened masculine, whether you are male or female.
Your greatest life challenges can BE healed and released through coming home into your own body, facing your broken heart, and navigating your anger, fear, and self-worth issues by becoming One with your original Self. .
When Your Mother Is Not At Home and Your Father Is Lost At Sea gives you the insights and tools to:
Know your Self and love your Self in a deeper and more powerful way.
Feel at home and ONE in your body and end the ways you sabotage your life.
Lift up out of patterns that keep you stuck, limited, and bypassing the important lessons in your life.
Unlock your life force energies within you and crack the codes of self-doubt, held in pain and sorrow and the effects of being abandoned, betrayed, or rejected (ABR) in all areas of your life.

Where Art & The Divine Unite
The Journey Of Awakened Co-Creation
When you connect into the Infinite Source of life within you a gateway opens into the unlimited universe within you that has the power to dissolve the walls and boundaries between the visible and the invisible, what is felt and ready to be felt, what is heard and not heard, and the space that exists between the sound and light of the divine moving through you waiting to be expressed into creation.
The union of the known and the unknown meet in the center of your BEing, as you create the beauty, power, truth, and love waiting to BE released from within you, Where Art and The Divine Unite.
In Where Art and The Divine Unite, you will:
Learn to recognize the voice of the divine within you.
Find the point of connection where infinite Source & creativity meet within you.
Breakthrough Into unlimited creative inspiration, vision, and manifestation.