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Book Iana On Your Podcast
Illuminate – Elevate – Inspire – Realize Your True Self
Change Your Self – Change The World

Introducing Iana Lahi
Iana’s work over the past 45 years of guiding and helping more than 10,000 men and women worldwide from all cultures, traditions, and professions heal, become whole, and successfully move through their life challenges to manifest the life they came into this lifetime to live, is based on her own awakening and transformational journey starting at the tender age of 4 and continuing to this day.
Iana is known for her authentic and heartfelt guidance based upon traveling her own path home into her True Self by walking through the trials, challenges, and fires of her own self-awakening, inner guidance, and fears into higher love.
Equipped with the seasoned awareness of deep personal experience to guide women and men through the inner realms to succeed in their outer desires and demands of life, Iana knows how to help individuals unearth their inner raw gems and turn them into world-class jewels.
Iana’s forte is to bridge the secrets of creation, evolution, healing, leadership, mastery, empowerment, and 360-degree thinking with the highest spiritual wisdom of light, non-duality, masculine and feminine union, self-realization with everyday life and the material world to guide individuals to realize who they truly are beyond and through their ego identification into the infinite love within themselves.
Book a Discovery Call with Iana to see how she can ignite, illuminate, and empower your audience.
Download podcast guest one sheet.
Iana Speaks On The Journey Into ONEness
Iana shares with your audience how-to step through their fears, self-limitations, and doubts and increase their financial, love relationship, personal fulfillment and joy through BEing ONE with their Infinite Source and True Self.
Iana brings people into the meeting point within themselves, the steady flame that sustains living in ONEness, from which awakened leadership, financial prosperity, relationship intimacy, visionary brilliance, and spiritual realization overflows.
Iana speaks frankly, intuitively and with heartfelt compassion on three core topics: illumined by her own life experience and that of working with more than 10,000 men and women worldwide from all walks of life, all professions and cultures in one-on-one and group facilitation sessions.

Live Free Of Egoic Constrictions & Illusions,
Come Out Of Separation Thinking,
Discover The Liberation Found
Through BEing ONE With Your True Self.
Empower Your Audience's Journey Into ONEness
Iana offers four holistic empowering pathways to guide your audience through their unique and highly personal journey of Awakening into ONEness.
Evolutionary Empowerment Global Village Membership - A life empowering subscription community accessing a comprehensive integrated video and audio library of extraordinary teachings, meditation and movement practices and tools complemented by group mentoring that accelerates awakening and soul evolution by empowering the practitioner to step through their veils of separation and duality into an experience of ONEness. Tangible experiential application of the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™.
ONEness Mentoring - One-on-One work with Iana structured in different offerings based upon the needs and desires of the person who want to transform their life from separation and duality, experience their True Self and realize their aspirations from inner transformation that yield practical and tangible material world results.
BEyond Mentoring™ - Designed for influencers, innovators and thought leaders, global leaders, performance artists, entrepreneurs, CxOs, humanitarians and more who have already attained some measure of career and/or material success yet know that to go beyond the conventional event horizon they must do profound inner transformation.
Business Oracle™ - Highly attuned navigational clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient insight and guidance to create desired business outcomes faster and more efficiently with less stress, risk, financial exposure, and time resources.
Life Transformation, Soul Evolution
As a life transformation guide, navigator, and mentor, Iana has been where her listeners have been, and want to go, and takes them by the hand to get them to the mountaintop despite the dangers inherent in climbing an unknown summit.
Iana works directly with the issues, traumas, emotional fragmentations, inner wounds, sanskaric patterns and fears that maintain ego-based duality and separation from one’s true nature.
Iana guides individuals into a liberated state of ONEness to fully live a more abundant, joyful, dynamic, and fulfilling life.
Iana's work helps people break through what blocks their full happiness and success and reconnect with their whole and awakened Self to attain what they most want whether it be career, money, relationship, spiritual growth, creative endeavors, business, or family.
In The Beginner’s Mind There Are Many Options.
In The Master’s Mind, Only ONE.
Iana Speaks Heart-to-Heart With Your Audience
We are all human.
We all have challenges.
And, we all have some form of suffering.
Sometimes it is so obvious that we have no choice but to see our suffering and discover what it is here to show us.
Sometimes it is so submerged that it impacts core aspects of our life, but we are not sure why and how certain feelings and circumstances occur until disappointments or huge amounts of loss or breakdown appear in our life.
To address all of this, Iana created the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ For Personal and Planetary Transformation and Enlightenment.
Spirit Gateways® are powerful gateways, portals, doorways with universal themes that everyone must go through at some point in their life and soul evolution to move through their life awakenings into a more connected state of BEing with the Infinite Source within themself.
This is not a psychological or intellectual roadmap.
This is a roadmap that guides the way to feeling, thinking, being, sensing, seeing, hearing, and creating from a direct experience and internal state of ONEness.
Iana’s proven system, the Spirit Gateways® 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ makes use of a person’s natural “built-in” quantum awareness to discover their true power to transform living in a state of separation, of duality, of parts, into a state of unity, a state ONEness, a state of awakening to God within you, without any religious ritualistic or ceremonial connotation or overtone whatsoever.
Achieving this requires building, anchoring, and applying a new set of skills.
Within You Exists The Source Of Pure Joy
& Happiness Waiting To BE Found
Iana Ignites Your Audience
Iana brings to your audience the proven tools, practices, and insights needed to BE ONE with their True Self.
Speaking on a variety of consciousness and soul transformation topics, Iana’s perspective on self-realization, awakening, ONEness and the BodyMindSpirit connection are insightful, illuminating, and inspiring for all audiences, whether a beginner or someone who has been on a path of personal growth or spiritual evolution for many years.
Iana’s passion is to help people make the difference that they came into this lifetime to make, while BEing who they truly are in alignment with their Infinite Source from within.
ONEness Shifts Your Experience Of Life
Whether the focus of your podcast is on soul evolution, personal transformation, BodyMind health, business leadership, financial abundance, humanitarian initiatives, consciousness, spiritual awakening, ONEness, the new humanity, conscious leadership, conscious business, conscious relationships, evolutionary empowerment, past lives, reincarnation, meditation, mindfulness, peak performance, creativity, innovation, body awareness and movement, yoga, health and lifestyle, relationship with Self, sacred sexuality, sacred feminine and masculine spirituality, reclaiming mental health, recovery from trauma, abuse, suicide, codependence, addictions, low self-esteem, or the spiritual crisis often called the dark night of the soul, Iana speaks with the authority of a person who has helped thousands of women and men heal their hearts and minds, connect to their wholeness of who they are and breakthrough their traumas, inner pain, and fears into the light of their True Self.
Walking Your Hero's Journey
Iana guides each person to see from a new perspective and experience of ONEness and to invite in the parts of themselves that have been living in separation to reunify into a new matrix of love and divine power.
Iana knows how, within moments, to help a person shift into their Infinite Source and see, hear, and feel what will result in a rapid reconnection and alignment into the core of their True Self.
Iana’s unique perspective distills what seems like insurmountable life challenges the size of Mt. Everest into discreet doable bite-size chunks of practical wisdom and knowledge, a roadmap of inner work, including her own highly refined systems of meditation, movement, writing and integrated results focused action steps that empower your audience to move through their own unique hero or heroine’s journey with greater ease, grace, insight, determination and focus to BEcome the greatest version of their Self and live the life they came here to live.
Iana guides people to embody who they truly are, experience their core power, and transform the hidden parts of their internal emotional iceberg to remember the super consciousness and intelligence they were born with.
As the clearing happens and the veils part, the subconscious and conscious Self reconnect simultaneously, revealing profound love and the vision of who the person truly is in the big picture of their soul evolutionary journey; they understand iit, experience it, feel it, and BE it.
Iana’s proven system helps individuals to move through their separations into a unified and whole state of BEing using different tools, including insightful knowledge and a variety of writing, energy and light meditation and movement practices, all traceable so that your audience can track their own progress and personal evolution.
A profound inner freedom is felt as the person receives back their most precious treasure, their True SELF.
Deep Inner Work For Profound,
Practical & Tangible Material World Results
Illuminate, Elevate, and Inspire Your Audience
Whether your audience’s goal is to make more money, move through inner blocks, lead with greater confidence, parent their children with greater success, uplevel their sex life, supercharge their business, accelerate their spiritual transformation, get to the heart of emotional or mental health challenges, improve their personal or professional relationships, move through trauma, uplevel their leadership impact, or transform the core inner hurdles that must be overcome before a person can step into their True Self and fully live an empowered and actualized life—the inner reconnections and breakthroughs facilitated by Iana create rapid and profound outer material and creative results.
Everything Iana teaches is designed to illuminate, elevate, and inspire your audience to experience greater self-empowerment, grounded self-discovery, deep inner trust, and Self-awakening, all to know who they are and why they are here.
Discover The Liberation Found Through
BEing ONE With Your True Self.
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