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Spirit Gateways® Professional Training

Professional Training & Certification


Added Value For You & Your Clients

Professional - Intoductiopn

Spirit Gateways Institute offers three levels of professional training based on your interests, existing professional footprint, and new complimentary professional skills and offerings

All three professional offerings can complement and refine your existing skills or add entirely new dimension to your current client offerings. 

If you are unsure of which professional training is most appropriate for you in terms of adding value to your professional credentials, how you show up for your clients and the solutions you offer them, then please reach out to Iana for a free brief consultation.


2 Year Professional Training & Certification

Master A New Level Of BEing That Completes The Circle Of Your Life.

Impact The World.

IGNITUM™ — A Spirit Gateways® Professional Training is for women and men of all ages, backgrounds, nationalities and career focuses who have a desire to make a difference in the lives of others and in the world as a global influencer, change agent, and thought leader for 21st century evolutionary empowerment change.

As an IGNITUM™ participant you are given soul-centered training in the art, science, psychology, energetic, quantum spiritual, and physical integration of living and BEing your awakened Whole Self, dynamically integrated into ONEness.

IGNITUM™ consists of two-levels over two-years that are structured to support your personal inner growth, self-realization, and greater work in the world.

Upon completion of Level 1, you are certified as A Leader of Light, fully ignited and empowered to walk your talk, and to BE embodied BEing your True Self. 

Upon completion of Level 2, A Next Wave Enlightener, you are certified to build, design, create, coach, inspire, heal, and implement visionary creative, business, educational, life enhancing endeavors and actions for these times to make the impact that you came here to make.

For Women & Men Who Hear The Call To Birth  

A New Wave Of Living & BEing In The World

 From The Heart Of ONEness


Facilitator Training & Certification


1 Year Professional Training & Certification

The BELIGHT MEDITATION® Facilitator Training is a one-year training created to be completed at your own pace through twelve online video teaching modules, a BELIGHT MEDITATION® textbook, an interactive workbook, plus twice-monthly live interactive online classes that teach the core BELIGHT MEDITATION® curriculum, practices, and fundamentals and offers a Q&A.

BELIGHT MEDITATION® is a highly refined practice that awakens, heals, and ignites the powers of your Infinite and Whole Self through clearing and connecting the pathways of light in your body.

The BELIGHT MEDITATION® Facilitator Training provides committed and inspired individuals who wish to incorporate BELIGHT MEDITATION® into their work the opportunity to BE mentored in the ancient and Original Way of BEing One in Source through their energy and light body and to be certified to teach BELIGHT MEDITATION®.

When you are trained to facilitate BELIGHT MEDITATION®, you learn how-to open and clear the natural, innate pathways and channels in your body that support you to BE fully awakened and connected into the Infinite Source of light within you.

BELIGHT MEDITATION® will support you to simultaneously think, feel and live from a profound state of integration, higher love, and authentic embodied power.


3 Month Professional Facilitator Training & Certification

DanceLahi is an integrative and uplifting movement training that guides you through the gateways of divine love and power that unify your physicality, life force energies, feelings, true power, spirit, wisdom, vision, knowledge, humility, heart, awareness, and light with the Infinite Source within you.

DanceLahi is designed for movement artists, yoga practitioners and teachers, pilates instructors, dance, occupational, and physical therapists, psychologists, music teachers, performance artists, and all creative beings.

DanceLahi brings you into the center point where spirit, matter, God, energy and your body meet within you. The physical movement and dance form is created through mastering your connection with your energetic light grid within your body which gives you a powerful experience of BEing ONE within your whole BEing.

DanceLahi is based upon a lifetime of Iana's exploration, study, and practice of traditional ballet, modern dance, free form, improvisation, the healing arts, energy healing, and meditation.

DanceLahi is a 3-month program consisting of 12 instructional video classes and a twice-monthly 60-minute live online class that covers technique, the inside craft, and Q & A.

Iana offers DanceLahi™ training to enrich the movement experience of anyone who wants to embody, heal, create, and express their full range of being human.

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