The Divine Octave™
Spirit Gateways® Publishing
Dedicated to bringing forth the Original Way Teachings® for these times of planetary change and rebirth, Spirit Gateways® Publishing opens the door to finding your True Self and living in ONEness in every aspect of your life
We publish books, podcasts, videos, and courses to ignite your Whole Self into action. Our purpose is to give you the 21st Century Liberation Roadmap™ for living your life from a higher Divine Octave™.
Our topics include whole Self-awakening and healing, relationship, sexuality, meditation, God, illumination, empowerment, men’s and women’s work, business, life purpose, family, education, spiritual history, soul realization, and self-initiation.

A Podcast About Personal Evolution With Iana Lahi
BE ONE. BE YOU.® is a navigational compass for your life to be lived from the power, love, and Oneness of your unified heart, mind, soul, and body. A new positive and solution-based perspective on Whole Self Living, you will experience in each podcast episode how to walk through portals of awareness that will initiate, and shed light upon the topics that matter the most to you.
BE ONE. BE YOU.® topics range from relationship, communication, sexual intimacy, understanding fear, anger, True power and false power, men’s work, women’s work, finding your way through challenging times, how to work with grief and anxiety, healing your core wounds, how to open to your energy system, and finding a new terrain of love to live your life fuller with greater meaning and impact.
BE ONE. BE YOU.® is available on all major podcast platforms including:
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be one. be you.®