When Your Mother Is Not Home
& Your Father Is Lost At Sea
Calming The Waves of Confusion, Anxiety & Neglect

When your mother has a lot on her plate and she does not have the integrated emotional and psychological skills to show up for her self, and for her child or children, no matter how much you love your mother, you will need to heal the gaps and holes within you and deepen your relationship to your True Self. You must choose to mother your Self and learn to listen, see, and receive your deepest needs and tend to them. You must love and raise your Self.
When your father is lost in the sea of his own material and emotional challenges and denials, difficulties connecting into his own body and rejects your body, heart, and soul because he can barely deal with his own, to heal your father wound you must find the current of light and power within you and follow it home into your awakened masculine, whether you are male or female.
Your greatest life challenges can BE healed and released through coming home into your own body, facing your broken heart, and navigating your anger, fear, and self-worth issues by becoming One with your original Self. The key is to move through your hurt and pain by embracing who you truly are which exists beneath the emotion.
Discover how to heal your hidden and untouchable anger, loss, grief, emotional gaps, and inabilities to communicate and own your own needs while creating a new embodied relationship with love, sex, money, success, career, and your health.
Growing into your own person from birth until your late teens sets the foundation for how you create your relationship to money, sexuality, home, love partnership, life purpose, and your emotional fluidity and well-being.
In When You Mother, Is Not At Home and Your Father, Is Lost At Sea, gives you the insghts and tools to:
Feel at home and at One in your body and end the ways that you sabotage your life.
Know your Self and love your Self in a deeper and more powerful way.
Lift up out of patterns that keep you stuck, limited, and bypassing the important lessons in your life.
Unlock your life force energies within you and crack the codes of self-doubt, held -in pain, sorrow, and the effects of being abandoned, betrayed or rejected (ABR) in all areas of your life.
When Your Mother Is Not Home & Your Father
Is Lost At Sea Course Contents
Module 1 - Awakening To What Hurts
A. Where Is My Mother, Where is Love
B. Is It Me?
C. I Am Confused But Refuse To Admit It
Module 2 - My Denied Needs
A. I Want Love, I Want To Receive Love, But I Never Believe I Should Or Can
Have it Can Have It
B. Is This Why I Can't Ask For What I Want
C. Playing Perpetrator-Passive Victim and Thinking I Am Not Hurting Anyone
Module 3 - Why Am I Angry But Do Not Know It
A. Staying Shut Down—I Must Not Deserve Love or to Live
B. Don’t Make Me Feel—Using Fear To Control Your Self and A Partner
C. I Live In My Head and I Don't Know Why
Module 4 - Finding the Divine Within You
A. Letting Love Guide You Home To You
B. Entering Into Your Body and Facing Your Father and Mother’s Absence
C. Releasing the Hold of Your Father’s Ego To Shut You Down
Module 5 - Ending the Battle With Your Repressive Inner Masculine or Feminine Know It All
A. Turning Your Anger Into Pure Power and Coming Out of Denial
B. Turning To the Light of Your Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine
C. The Hierosgamous—The Divine Marriage Between Your Inner Masculine
and Inner Feminine