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What Makes Iana Different?

Awaken The Light In The Nucleus Of Your BEing & Step Into A
New Matrix Of Integrated Awareness & Profound Clarity


"The Next Step Of Our Spiritual Evolution Is To
BEcome The Light That We Are"

Iana Lahi is one of the handful of healer-teachers on the planet that has accomplished her individual spiritual and personal mastery work while simultaneously pioneering a new model and blueprint for soul, emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual reconnection, awakening, integration and realization.

Aligned and committed to living in love, Iana’s forte is to train youth, young adults, and all men and women from diverse backgrounds to heal and implement the power, love, and creative genius of their Whole Self into their lives and into the world.

Iana teaches the experiential steps needed to awaken your True Self, live from multidimensional awareness, implement higher ideals into action, fulfill your soul purpose, and to become the torchbearer needed for social, political, educational, financial, and creative innovations and change.

This is an important time for both men and women to ignite significant, joyful, and purposeful transformation in their relationships, family and business structures, communities, and in the world as role models and initiators of change.

Beyond ego and through the veils of separation, illusion, and suffering you are guided to discover and live in the light of your full potential and BE the full expression of your illuminated Self.

You are introduced to a new evolutionary model that supports both individual and global transformation that gives you direct access to the meeting point within you where power, love, knowledge, and bliss reside. You experience feeling-thinking and BEing simultaneously through ending how you separate from Infinite Source.

When you train with Iana you will learn evolutionary empowerment and mastery tools and skills to create a life that is spiritually, soulfully, and financially fulfilling and expansive.

Iana helps you to unlock the door to the true gold within you so that you can live fully integrated as an enlightening leader, whole person, creative innovator, and torchbearer of integrated truth.

You are guided through the roadmap of your own BEing and helped to heal, clear, and integrate the most powerful parts of your Self into union and shown the way through the gateways of love back home into your Original Self.

Iana brings the necessary source codes of awakening for humanity needed to complete personal and collective cycles of belief systems, mindsets, and power structures to create interconnected body-mind-soulfulness into every facet of life, from relationship and family dynamics to health and wellness, business and personal development, life purpose expansion, and spiritual, creative, and heartfelt fulfillment through a new alignment of ONEness.

Release The Chains That Block Your Mind, Psyche, Body,
& Soul From Coming Into Divine Union & Liberate
Your Greatest Gifts & Spiritual Purpose

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